Saturday, October 3, 2009

Perspective - The Word and Its Relevance.

It's been very long since I made up my mind to come up with a blog that acts as a medium to express my thoughts and my views in the form of essays. Today, I have taken the first step to make it happen and I'm really happy for that.

Firstly I'd like to tell you what made me choose the name 'perspectivesandtruth' for my blog. Man has evolved a lot since time immemorial. The whole world is an assortment of minds, thoughts and emotions. There is a Sanskrit mantra which goes 'Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti'. The verse mentioned means 'God is one but scholars call him by different names'.

Exactly. God is one but people call him by different names. What causes this difference? How did it arise? The answer is perspective. There is no uniformity in thought and action throughout the world. What is right in India is wrong elsewhere and what is right elsewhere is wrong in India. This is just an example. I can keep on telling more about this duality but I guess this example is enough.

Perspective is that thing that differentiates people. But in some cases 'birds of the same feather flock together' and that's how like-minded people come together to realize their dreams. Perspective unites people as well as diversifies them.

Some people consciously think about perspective and the thought process whereas most of them don't. I think I belong to the first category. There have been several occasions when I have wanted to get into another person's mind and see what he/she is thinking about. I have made several mistakes in my life thinking everyone thinks like me. That's why I trust people easily and become so attached to them. All that is history and now I've attained some kind of a realization.

We'll see more of this thing called 'perspective' and how it is closely connected to the functioning of the entire universe.

While speaking about perspective I should not forget to mention about truth. The main reason is that there maybe infinite perspectives but there exists only one truth. I can't say for sure if my perspectives are the reflections of truth or if they are poles apart. We'll see if our perspectives are the same or if they are different and find out if they lead to the ultimate destination TRUTH.


  1. That was a good one,But not the best of VK. you are capable of much more. Do keep writing.

  2. Thanks buddy. Sure. I'll continue posting more. This is just the beginning :)
